Things to Do Before Getting Your First Dog

First Dog

Getting a dog is a great way to learn more responsibility while having an adorable companion. It’s easy to pass by the store and bring home one of those cute little puppies without realizing what you’re getting into though. Before you go out and actually find your new furry, little friend, here are a few things you need to do.

Choose a Breed

It’s important to find a breed that’s compatible with your lifestyle. For instance, if you live somewhere very hot and aren’t able to get out much, you won’t want to get a husky as they do better in cooler weather and require a lot of exercise. If you have kids, you might want to find a goldendoodle breeder Castle Rock CO, as they tend to do well with young children.

Understand the Costs

You’ll need to know what the adoption actually costs, but you also need to understand that the expenses don’t end there. In addition to food and toys, your dog will have medical expenses as well. Even a perfectly healthy dog needs to see the veterinarian at least once a year. Talk to your friends and family members that have dogs to get an idea on yearly costs.

Prepare Your Home

Puppies usually aren’t house trained when you get them, so you’ll need to get your house ready for that. You may want to remove the rugs and block off rooms with carpeting. Some dogs tend to tear up furniture when they are young, so consider having somewhere you can keep your new friend when you aren’t there where your belongings won’t get chewed up.

Getting a dog is a big decision, so make sure you follow all of these steps before you make your final decision. If you’ve done all the research and preparation and have decided to take the leap, you’re ready to go look for your new best friend!