5 Signs Your Dog Needs Hip and Joint Supplements


Your dog needs regular love and care just like you do. If you often watch your dog closely and you know their habits and behaviors, it will be easy to notice when they are doing something out of the ordinary. Even after doing your best to provide good nutrition for your dog, you may notice that your dog is exhibiting some abnormal signs.

One of the common issues that dogs face is knee and joint problems. Joint and hip problems can be inherited. They can also be caused by ligament degeneration due to prolonged use. Aging can, therefore, be a cause of joint problems in your dog. Injury, accidents, and some diseases can also cause hip and joint problems in dogs. If your dog has a joint or hip issue, you should get them hip and joint supplement for dogs.

If you are wondering whether your dog needs hip and joint supplements, below are some ways you can tell;

  1. Your dog struggles to sit or stand

Not being able to sit or stand comfortably is the major sign that your dog needs a boost. Your dog puts a lot of pressure on their joints every time they jump or run around. Their joints, therefore, wear away and get weaker with time. As your dog continues to put pressure on its joints, the cartilage on their joints decreases, and they will experience joint pain when moving.

Notice how your dog behaves when you call him or her or send them somewhere. If they seem slower when walking or playing, it is time to give them joint supplements.

  1. Too much panting

If you are a dog owner, you have to agree that dog panting can threaten to drive you nuts especially when you are trying to get some sleep. Dogs pant the most when it is too hot or when they have been doing some activities like running. If you have had your dog for a long time, you know their panting habits and what you would consider normal.

If you notice abnormal panting from your dog even when they have not done much, that may be a sign of a joint issue. His or her joint may be in pain and you need to give them joint supplements.

  1. Limping

Perhaps one of the most obvious sign of a joint problem with your dog is limping. Watch your dog closely when they are running around to see if they walk normally or favor one leg over the other.

  1. Swelling of joints

Fluids can accumulate in your dog’s joints causing pain, bacterial infections, and the deterioration of bone and cartilage. If your dog knees seem to have gotten larger and also feel tender, they could use some supplements.

  1. Too much wagging and barking

If your dog is barking and wagging their tail a little too much or too aggressively, they may be calling your attention to pain in their joints.

You do not need to wait until your dog is old or unwell to give him or her joint supplements. Even puppies could use hip and joint supplements from as early as 12 months. These supplements will keep them healthy and prevent potential joint problems.